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Behind the Scenes: The Latest Humadroid Features Inspired by Reflection

Writing the Humadroid story for it’s blog was more than a trip down memory lane; it turned into a brainstorming session that brought two new features to light. It’s funny how reflecting on your journey can spark inspiration for the road ahead. Let me share with you what’s been brewing in my mind and how your feedback can play a part.

1. Capturing the Pulse of Team Changes:

The first idea hit me while reminiscing about the teams we’ve built and evolved over the years. It’s essential, I realized, to not just know who is in which team at any given moment but to understand the journey of how they got there. So, I’m thinking of introducing a way to track and record team assignments over time. But here’s the catch – we’ll only log a history if someone’s been in a team for more than a day. This way, we keep the records meaningful and avoid clutter from those brief, maybe experimental, shifts.

2. Embracing Our Diversity with Custom Calendars:

Another lightbulb moment was about how diverse our team and, presumably, your teams are. We’re not all in the same location, and we certainly don’t share the same holidays. So, why should we be tied to a one-size-fits-all calendar? I’m excited to explore customizable calendars and holiday settings for Humadroid. This means everyone can align their schedules with the holidays that matter to them, making our tool as inclusive and accommodating as it can be.

Let’s Chat About It:

I’m laying these ideas out there not just to tease what’s coming but to open up a dialogue. Building Humadroid has always been about more than just solving our own problems; it’s about creating something that resonates with and serves the broader community of growing businesses.

I’d love for you to read through our Humadroid story and share your thoughts. Do these new features speak to your needs? How can we fine-tune them to better serve your business? Your input has always been invaluable in shaping Humadroid, and it remains crucial as we continue to evolve.